Making a Difference

You have an important role in moving 世界杯官方app forward, 特别是在推动我们的大学实现我们的目标 10-Year Strategic Vision and providing exceptional opportunities for students and the community. If you have questions about how to make a gift to 世界杯官方app, 请联系发展办公室,我们的团队将随时为您提供帮助.



Rowdy Monument

Annual Giving

Every year, generous people like you ‒ alumni, friends, parents, students, faculty and staff ‒ show their support for 世界杯官方app by making gifts. 你们的投资反映了一种大胆的信念,即高等教育和研究可以改变生活,让世界变得更美好.
年度和经常性的礼物使世界杯官方app提供的机会,学费或国家资助不能单独. Every gift, no matter how large or small, is important. 许多人的年度捐赠经常被联合起来做大事, such as fund scholarships, support student success programs, equip classrooms and labs, or hire thought-leaders to teach here.
无论你是捐赠给世界杯官方app基金-在最需要的地方提供支持-还是直接捐赠给特定的东西, like to a College, a Crowdfunding Project 或者是一个你感兴趣的项目,你的支持很重要,而且会产生影响.
For more information, please Email us or call (210) 458-4130.

Faculty & Staff Giving

礼物可以指向大学的任何领域,包括你的学院或部门. Some of the areas that benefit from Faculty and Staff Giving include graduate and undergraduate scholarships, student and faculty recruitment, research, 并为我们的学生提供无数其他丰富的经历,包括出国留学. You can MAKE A GIFT online or set up installments. 只需下载和填写工资扣除表格,并发送到年度捐赠办公室.

Other Ways to Give

配对礼物可以是你对世界杯官方app的两倍或三倍的礼物,你的礼物和任何结果的匹配都是公认的! Over 1,000家公司赞助配对礼物计划,有些公司甚至会配对退休员工的礼物, part-time employees, and spouses.


如果您的公司匹配礼品,您可以通过搜索直接访问表格. 遵循指示,世界杯官方app将为您确保雇主的匹配礼物.


世界杯官方app Office of Gift Services - Matching Gifts Program
One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249

世界杯官方app's Tax ID number is 74-1717115


Recognize someone special with a memorial or tribute gift. 世界杯官方app会寄一张纸条给获奖者的家人,感谢你的特殊礼物.

Gifts of products and services, as well as other assets, are extremely beneficial to our students and faculty at 世界杯官方app. 典型的实物礼物包括软件许可证、历史书籍和论文,以及旅行代金券.

向慈善组织维持的基金作出不可撤销的捐赠,并享受全部捐赠的所得税慈善扣除. As the name implies, you can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, you may not place material restrictions on the fund.

作为州政府机构,世界杯官方app有资格获得捐助者建议基金的赠款. 助学金应支付给世界杯官方app下载,邮寄方式如下:世界杯官方app礼物服务, One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. Use 世界杯官方app’s Tax ID Number 74-1717115.

创建一个可以在您的一生中撤销或更改的信托,指导您的资产处置, including charitable gifts. 可撤销生前信托可以最大限度地减少与遗嘱认证相关的成本和延迟, facilitate asset transfer, provide privacy and, unlike a will, ensure asset management continuity in the event of disability.

长期、高价值证券的礼物是最常见的直接财产礼物. Typically, individual stocks are given; however, bonds or mutual fund shares are also attractive gift options. 直接赠送证券可以很快,这些礼物可以让你用你的礼物做更多,因为非常有吸引力的税收优惠. 

For appreciated property held long term, 捐赠给慈善机构的证券的全部公平市场价值一般是可扣除的. For example, if you give shares of stock that are now worth $10,000, 您可以在您的所得税申报表中扣除赠与的全部金额(受某些收入限制), even though you may have bought the stock for $1,000.

长期持有证券的慈善捐赠不被视为出售证券,也不产生任何资本利得税, no matter the amount of the gain. 这是国会为鼓励馈赠增值财产而提供的一项宝贵的税收激励措施. 其结果是:本应纳税的资本收益被允许进行慈善扣除. 而且,如果我们出售证券,我们可以保留每一分钱,因为我们是免税的. To make your gift, transfer the stock to us - do not sell the stock. 

Please give your advisor this information to give stock to 世界杯官方app

Contact UT System Development and Gift Planning Services:
Phone: (512) 579-5142

从个人退休账户直接向我们转账10万美元(年度总额). The gift, available to those age 70½ or over, counts toward your RMD if one is due, and you pay no tax on the distribution.

指示您的IRA管理员将支票直接邮寄到世界杯官方app下载(支付给世界杯官方app): 世界杯官方app礼品服务, One 世界杯官方app Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. 世界杯官方app's Federal Tax-Exempt ID number is 74-1717115.

捐赠一所房子,并保留在你的余生中居住在该房产中的权利. 有资格获得当前的所得税慈善扣除我们在家里的剩余利息的价值.

Create a charitable lead trust that benefits us for a number of years, returns assets to your beneficiaries, and minimizes taxes.

Donate closely held stock. 你可以享受与股票评估价值相等的慈善扣除额,无需缴纳资本利得税.

Donate gift property that can be used for our exempt purposes, 并有资格获得全额公平市场价值的所得税减免.

Payment Options

For any questions regarding a gift to 世界杯官方app, 请联系发展办公室,我们的团队将随时为您提供帮助. Email or Call (210) 458-4130.

通过在线免税礼物对学生产生直接影响. 你可以选择一次性或持续性的捐赠,并指定给你选择的大学或基金. Give Now.

Set it and forget it with a monthly gift by credit card or EFT.

如果你是世界杯官方app的教职员工,你可以通过工资扣除来捐赠. 这是一种简单、方便的方式来支持你的学院、项目、学生和整个大学. Learn More.

Mail a gift using the printable Gift Form. Please make checks payable to The University of Texas at San Antonio.

世界杯官方app Gift Services
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One 世界杯官方app Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249